Now! The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can discuss the potential project and advise you regarding the best steps to take to make this project a success. Don’t wait until you have finished construction of the new warehouse, as this will result in the logistic solution having to compromise in regard to the new building. The earlier you involve us, the more we can ensure that there is as little compromise as possible as well as utilizing the available space as efficiently and effectively as possible.

If the answer to any of the below questions is yes, we would love to hear from you:

  • Are you considering moving or building a new facility?
  • Is your warehouse occupation rate close to 100% or have you started using your aisles to store pallets?
  • Are you constantly working extra hours or supplementary shifts to reduce the backlog of customer orders and shipments that you are no longer capable of completing on time?
  • Do you want to implement a Warehouse Management System, but you do not know what the minimum functionalities are that you require to run your operation?

WACO provides both individual services and service packages. To find out more, please click here.

Individual services:

  1. Project Management
  2. Data Analytics and Modeling
  3. Business Processes Management & Strategy
  4. Software Specifications and Selection
  5. 2D & 3D Warehouse Design

Service packages:

  1. Solution design (includes a, b, c & e)
  2. Solution implementation (includes a & d)
  3. Operational optimization (includes a, b & e)

The scope of the project is defined in the commercial phase during which the client and WACO agree on what represents a successful completion for this particular project. Therefore, the scope completely depends on each individual client and their requirements.

Generally, the Scope of Work for a warehouse solution design could include but its not limited to the following:

  • Project management
  • Warehouse assessment on current assets & operations
  • Business Processes Review and Improvement / Streamlining
  • Data Analytics and Modeling
  • Multiple conceptual alternatives:

    1. Warehouse Productivity & Performance
    2. Storage and Picking Capacities
    3. Staff / Resource Requirements
    4. Budget Estimate (for each alternative)
  • One defined concept design

Every project is different and involves unique aspects that have a direct impact in the design phase completion. A typical Design Solution is completed between 2 to 4 months depending on complexity.

Complexity can vary depending on the conditions of the facility (old warehouse or new construction), the clients ability to provide a complete and accurate set of data or to make decisions, level of technology required, project scope of work and more but in general terms.

The Warehouse Management System (WMS) is focused on planning and the Warehouse Control System (WCS) focuses on execution.

The WMS manages the warehouse and distribution center operations. It controls workforce, activities, and processes such as order fulfilment and shipments.

The WCS provides the interface for multiple automated systems (conveyors, sorters, lifters, palletizers, high density storage and retrieval systems, etc.) to execute warehouse activities.

From day one we allow you to shift your focus back onto your core business, as we take care of developing a tailor-made solution for you.

In this project, WACO will do all the heavy lifting and your project team will actively participate in predefined sessions for project orientation and milestones validation.

The operations manager, the warehouse team and some other company staff involved in the industrial safety, quality control and compliance, purchasing, sales and IT department may be required for short sessions that can be scheduled around your staff’s availability.

This depends on the project phase we are currently executing.

During the design and analysis phase we are on-site during kick-off meetings, information gathering, presenting results and solutions. Much of the work is carried out in the background in our office and therefore not on-site.

Once we move towards the implementation phase, the WACO Project Manager will be on-site as and when needed to supervise suppliers, installation progress and quality and well as help assuring business processes are correctly implemented into the Warehouse Management System.

It depends on when you wish for the project to be completed. Generally, it is best to talk to us and describe us your logistic strategy and long term plan. This will allow us to advise you if & when the best time is to start a project. The timing of when to start as well as when to complete a project can be critical for your business and its success.

When a project is managed by WACO most of its responsibilities and workload are managed by WACO. This allows your staff to continue its regular activities.

Of course, we can!

In fact, we have developed a unique service for optimizing existing operations. Our focus on achieving cost savings in the most resource intensive areas of your operation is what we believe will allow us to bring a competitive advantage to your business and subsequently will lead you towards becoming more profitable.

More than a solution provider, we would like to be considered by our clients’ strategic partner.

Whether you are planning to move to a new installation, to rent an empty or recently constructed warehouse, you are considering a small repurpose or readapt your current building or even construct something from scratch we are here to support you.  This is what we do best!

When comparing our capabilities and proposed solution to that of competitors, the benefits of choosing WACO are:

  • Your business needs are at the center of each of our proposed solutions
  • Your project’s design criteria are obtained with an industry leading methodology
  • You will benefit from the best supplier independent solution
  • Your solution is validated through software simulation
“Questions open a space in
your mind that allow better
answers to breathe”
Richie Norton
error: You can\'t do that!!